The Bimaadizewag Abinoojiiag Inaakonigewin (Our Child Will Live Law) is a step toward selfgovernment. Over the last year, Chief and Council and the BON Law Development team have worked hard to ensure it is specifically made for the Brokenhead Ojibway Nation people.
- Brokenhead is establishing its own Lodge, meaning that it is no longer under Southeast Child and Family Services
- Our Lodge will be governed by a board of directors, with an executive director running day-to-day operations and an appropriate number of support staff.
- The child’s well being will be the main commitment and focus in applying this law with the focus on family.
- Prevention Services will take priority before Protection Services will be considered.
- The child’s views must be considered when care agreements are reached with families.
- In cases which a child is unable to remain with their parents, Kinship Care Agreements with immediate family will be prioritized and when that is not possible, an adult who has a significant relationship with the child and their family will be considered.
- We want to ensure that our children are in a loving and caring environment at all times.
- Brokenhead’s new child welfare Lodge must authorize all foster homes that are operated.
- Through this law, support can be given to a child who is ‘aging out’ of CFS and transitioning into adulthood, by providing eligibility of services up to the age of 26.
- When issues must be addressed, we will offer family healing circles. The goal is to minimize the need for protection and to give families tools to succeed together.
- Apprehension will be a final resort as we find pathways to prevent the separation of families.
- The law will allow us to create a Child and Family Advocate office, which will represent children in legal proceedings, by being a voice for them, and deliver adequate justice programs.
- Individuals who would like to appeal any decision made by the Lodge created, can do so through a locally ran tribunal to explain their reasoning and provide an alternative solution.
BON Community Engagement Session – Our Children Will Live Law
- Feb 5, 2024
- brokenheadojibwaynation
- Feb 1, 2024
- brokenheadojibwaynation
- Jul 19, 2023
- brokenheadojibwaynation