Membership Department

Brokenhead Ojibway Nation is home to a total of approximately 2,152 which includes both on/off members.  Brokenhead is a Section 10 Band. 

The Membership Office is located in the Administrative Building. Hours of operation are 8:30 – 4:30 Monday – Friday.  Status Cards are given by appointment only as the Clerk has many other Duties as assigned.  Please call (204) 766-2494 to book an appointment.

Here at the BON membership office the following service is provided for our members are but not limited to:   

  • Certificate of Indian Status (status cards)
  • Appointments needed in order to get a status card. call 1(204) 766- 2494
  • Applications for Secure Certificate of Indian Certificates (SCIS)

15 years & under and 16 years and Adult

  • Transfers: Adults & Children (in & out)
  • Adoption
  • Genealogy
  • Maintain membership records

Births, deaths, marriages, divorces transfers, other life events.

Assisting other Communities with Status Cards and information.

Applications for Band Membership:

  1. Maintain Registry List – This is where an Individual receives their registration number (example 261 00000 01). This entitles individuals to health, prescriptions, drugs, dental, vision (all determined by First Nations Inuit Health – FNIH, not your band) and post – secondary benefits (based on available funds).
  1. Band Membership List – This entitles individuals the right to vote in all matters pertaining to their First Nation. It Also entitles an individual to live on reserve and housing on reserve (based on availability).

If you have young children or have recently received a letter from the Registrar of Indian Affairs confirming your reinstatement to Indian Status with Brokenhead Ojibway Nation please call us at 1(204) 766-2494.

Applications are available Service Canada Website (SCI). Link:;

Application for Registration on the Indian Registration and for the Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS)  (FOR ADULTS 16 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER ) .

Application for Registration on the Indian Registration and for the Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS)  (FOR 15 YEARS AND YOUNGER INCLUDING NEW BORNS).

Please contact Membership Clerk if you require assistance of any kind.

Arlene Desjarlais
Phone (204) 766 -2494
FAX     (204) 766 – 2021
[email protected]