Chief & Council

Brokenhead Ojibway Nation

Chief & Council

The Brokenhead Ojibway Nation Chief & Council have various roles and responsibilities that they must uphold. These include representing the Nation, making decisions on behalf of the people, and overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Nation. The Chief and Council work closely with the people of the Nation to ensure that their needs are met and that the Nation is moving forward in a positive direction.

BON Chief and Council Portfolios 2024 – 2028

Chief Gordon Bluesky

Portfolio Oversight – Each Portfolio Councillor is responsible to brief the Chief in a timely and concise manner both orally and in writing on a monthly basis.

Treaty and Aboriginal Rights

Leadership, Member, Staff Team Building
– Dependent upon the issues and available funding, organize to have the appropriate Portfolio Councillor and or staff person (s) and where possible a member (s) accompanies Chief to various meetings.

  • Treaty Days and Pow Wow- Shared by all Council
  • Gaming – South Beach Casino
  • BON Own Source Revenue Budgeting – Shared by all Council
  • Governance
  • Legal and Justice
  • List of Other Boards and Committees External of BON
    • Treaty One
    • Southeast Resource Development
    • Southern Network of Canada
    • TLEC Board
  • Lands and Economic Development

Councillor Christopher Kent

Health, Human and Education Department

Lead Councillor: Christopher Kent

Support Councillor: Wendell Sinclair Jr.

  • Social Development and Income Assistance
  • Child and Family Services
  • Health BFI an BHC, NNADAP, CHR, CHN, Home & Community Care, Headstart, Jordan’s Principal
  • Education
  • Daycare/Headstart
  • Sergeant Tommy Prince School
  • Youth and Elders
  • Employment and Training

Management Team:

  • Jean Bear – Director of Health
  • Pam Kent – Jordan’s Principal Director of Programs and Prevention
  • Tamara Desjarlais – Social Services Manager
  • Brenda Greyeyes – E&T Manager
  • Penny Thomas – Daycare – Headstart Manager
  • Director of Education
  • CFS Supervisor

Councillor Allen (Sam) Hocaluk

Lands, Resource and BON Business Department

Lead Councillor: Allen Hocaluk

Support Councillor: Winston Desjarlais

  • TLE and Lands
  • Environment Issues
  • Business, Entertainment Centre (VLT’s), Historical Village Site, BON Communications, Wavers, BON Store, BON Pharmacy, BON Grocery Store, BON Corporation
  • Tobacco and Fuel
  • New Businesses
  • High Speed Crow
  • Leases and Permits
  • Forestry Licenses Agreement
  • Economic Development

Management Team:

  • Burke Ratte – Lands and Resource Manager
  • Sherry Sinclair- Wavers/BON Store Manager
  • Brian Black – Entertainment Centre Manager
  • Brenda Greyeyes –Economic Development Manager

Councillor Winston Desjarlais 

Administrative Service Department

Lead Councillor: Winston Desjarlais

Support Councillor: Allen Hocaluk

  • Finance – First Nations Financial Management, Operating Budget, Strategic Plan,
  • Human Resource Development – Policy
  • Membership
  • Internal and External Communications
  • Election Code
  • Governance Handbook
  • Organizational Review Recommendations

Management Team:

  • Perry Large – Chief Administrative Officer
  • Jackie Pommer- Director of Operations
  • Candace Cook- Finance Manager
  • Membership Clerk
  • Susan Fredborg- Human Resource Manager

Councillor Wendell Sinclair Jr. (Ogimaa)

Community Public Service Department

Lead Councillor: Wendell Sinclair Jr.

Support Councillor: Christopher Kent

  • Public Works
  • Roads (local)
  • Maintenance
  • Water and Waste
  • Housing
  • Fire
  • First Nations Safety Officers (FNSO)

Management Team:

  • Selena Kern– Housing Manager
  • Vernon Chief – Water and Waste Manager
  • Farrell Desjarlais – Public Works Manager
  • Liza Moreau – First Nation Safety Officer (FNSO)
  • Ray Bear – Fire Department Manager