Our Children Will Live Law – Newsletter (Winter Issue)
The Our Children Will Live Law – Newsletter (Winter Issue) is now available for downloading/viewing: Winter-Issue-Newsletter-Single-Pages-WEB-VERSION
The Our Children Will Live Law – Newsletter (Winter Issue) is now available for downloading/viewing: Winter-Issue-Newsletter-Single-Pages-WEB-VERSION
ate – TBD This notice is to all BON Members to advise that the BON Lands Department is seeking Land Advisory Committee Members to sit on a Committee to provide advice to the Land Department and Chief and Council on Land related matters under the BON Land Code. RESPONSIBILITIES OF LAND COMMITTEE 25.1 The Council […]
A new set of traffic lights are now operational on Highway 59 which runs through Brokenhead Ojibway Nation. The improvement comes months after a tragedy witnessed by several residents. Those residents now say the upgrades will make it safer for students to get to school. A new set of traffic lights are now operational on […]
Members Bulletin – Agricultural Benefits Specific Claim November 22, 2023 Chief and Council of Brokenhead Ojibway Nation (BON) are pleased to provide the following update to the community regarding our Agricultural Benefits Claim (Cows and Ploughs). This is our claim that the Crown failed to provide agricultural benefits owed to us under the terms of […]
Gordon Bluesky was elected chief of the Brokenhead Ojibway Nation in April 2022. On this episode of Face to Face, he shares his journey as a ‘60s Scoop survivor who grew up in the United States before returning and reconnecting with his nation and culture.
In a historic move, the members of Brokenhead Ojibway Nation (BON) have voted in favor of implementing the BON Election Law, choosing it over the First Nations Election Act. With over 80% participation, this decision marks an important step forward for self-governance and the preservation of traditional governance systems within the community. By opting for […]
On behalf of the Brokenhead Ojibway Nation, we extend our warmest congratulations to Wab Kinew, Manitoba’s first Anishinaabe Premier, and the Manitoba NDP. This historic achievement not only marks a significant milestone in Indigenous representation but also highlights the progress in fostering inclusivity and diversity in our political landscape. We commend your dedication to serving […]
The Our Children Will Live Law Newsletter – July 2023 is now available for download and viewing: BON-Children-First-July-Newsletter